When searching for your student accommodation in Chester have you ever considered looking further afield then where you may already know? Whilst we all appreciate how convenient it is to live on...
With Veganuary here, we at ChesterStudentLets thought we would give you an insight on what it’s really like to be vegan in Chester. @courtneygoddard, a dance student from University of...
We will admit, the thought of a constant Netflix binge does very much appeal to us. However, it does get old surprisingly quickly. Now we’re in our third national lockdown, we thought, what...
With the way things are in the world at the minute, we at Chester Student Lets realise how difficult it must be for students to focus on their various assignments. Displacement from regular routine...
With the way the world is at the minute, all of the people new to Chester this year have been unable to see and experience this wonderful town in its full glory. We here...
December might not seem like the optimal time for dieting, but for some of us, getting into that Christmas party dress or suit might be at the top of your agenda. Whether we’re looking to...
As if this time of year wasn’t already stressful enough with present buying, decorating and travelling, you also have assignments and deadlines hovering over you.It can be difficult to enjoy the...
‘Tis the season and Halloween is just around the corner! This weeks’ blog post is one to give you inspiration on what you can do to celebrate All Hallows Eve. 1. Fright...
Lets face it, Sundays can be suuuuuuuuuuuper boring. Shops aren’t open late, nightlife can be dead or friends are hungover from the night before. Here’s a quick list of things to get you...
Everyone loves an interesting random fact you never knew before! You’ll be surprised at what you’ll learn giving these 10 a read… 1. Zip line travel to school In a remote...